Author: rfallon

  • Sage 50 High CPU Usage

    Problem: Sage 50 may begin to use most or all available CPU, usually on only one processor. Restarting Sage typically resolves the problem temporarily. The root cause seems to be that Sage is repeatedly trying to open a Crystal Reports registry key that doesn’t exist. Solution: Create the missing Crystal Reports registry key. Procedure: Open…

  • Stop error 0x00000074 – BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO

    Problem: This STOP error occurs on startup if the SYSTEM registry hive is corrupted. Solution: Restore the SYSTEM hive from the backup that Windows automatically creates on every successful startup. Procedure: Go to the Repair Console using a boot disk and open a command prompt. Go to E:\Windows\system32\config. Back up all existing registry hives. Overwrite…

  • Remove Autofill Credentials in Chrome

    Problem: Google Chrome optionally saves login credentials for web sites. While convenient, in some circumstances this may prove to be a security risk. In particular, if Chrome is signed in to a Google account, credentials will synchronize across all devices running Chrome on that account. If another user has access to one of those devices…

  • Delay or Error Creating/Renaming Folder on Windows 10 Network Share

    Problem: Windows 10 file shares, when accessed from any version of Windows, may delay or fail in creating or renaming folders. This seems to be more common or exclusive to Windows 10 with the “Anniversary Update.” Solution: While there is no direct solution, the only consistently effective workaround is to disable search indexing on the…

  • Sage 50 Error: “Someone else is already logged on using this user ID” when opening the data file

    Problem: From time to time, Sage 50 may do one of the following: Displays Error: “Someone else is already logged on using this user ID”. Displays Error: “Someone else is already using the program under this name”. Displays Error: “Username/Password is already being used by another application.” Computer crashed or had power failure while in use. Sage 50…

  • Uninstall Windows 10 and Revert to Windows 7 or 8

    Problem: The Windows 10 upgrade push was unusually aggressive and some users have permitted it to go ahead in large part to make the annoying pop-up messages go away. Unfortunately, things do not always go smoothly. Some driver and display issues have been reported, in addition to the usual end-user dissatisfaction after Windows upgrades. Solution:…

  • Login Error: “The User Profile Service failed the logon”

    Problem: Very rarely, Windows will refuse to allow a valid user profile to log in and give the error “The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.” Solution: Microsoft Knowledge Base artice 947215 describes three methods for resolving this problem. Methods 2 and 3 involve simply creating a new user profile, thus…

  • AutoCAD 2015 Fails to Start (Error 0xc0000142)

    Problem: In some cases AutoCAD 2015 may refuse to start, and returns an error code of 0xc0000142. This seems to be an exceedingly rare problem that may be caused by the Adobe Acrobat 9.5.x Extended Web Capture module. Solution: An article from Up and Ready suggests using a SysInternals tool called Autoruns for Windows to systematically rename…

  • Word and Excel Hang When Opening a Document in Protected Mode

    Problem: Microsoft Word and Excel 2010 may in some cases hang with the startup screen showing “Opening in Protected View.” While not always the case, the typical scenario in which this occurs is when opening documents from Outlook, or that have been saved from Outlook, on Windows 8.1. Solution: Microsoft recommends using the Unblock button in…

  • Fully Shut Down or Enter Safe Mode in Windows 8.1

    Problem: Windows 8/8.1 introduced a number of changes compared to previous versions, among them the much-maligned tiles. Less widely known is that Windows 8.1’s mobile-oriented nature results in its tendency to go into standby or hibernate modes rather than fully shutting down. This can prevent access to a desktop or laptop’s BIOS settings or Safe…