Author: rfallon

  • Uninstall Internet Explorer 11

    Problem: While it is generally strongly recommended to keep all software up to date, internal corporate IT systems sometimes depend on quirks in older versions of software, particularly Internet Explorer. For many years, large numbers of corporate PCs were stuck with Internet Explorer 6 because so much intranet software was written specifically for it, and all…

  • Remove winmail.dat Attachment from Outlook

    Problem: Occasionally Outlook 2007 and 2010 will begin attaching a file called winmail.dat to outgoing emails, which is often annoying and confusing for both senders and receivers. The file is an Outlook-specific attachment format called TNEF, and therefore can’t easily be read by anyone not using Outlook. Solution: Microsoft offers a Fixit that purports to…

  • Allow Standard Users to Install Fonts

    Problem: The Windows font system has a lineage dating back to the single-user, pre-Internet days. Fonts are stored in a central folder under the Windows directory and therefore typically require administrator privileges on the computer to install or remove fonts. On multi-user systems, a user requiring the ability to install a font for use in…